Perfumes For a Rainy Day

With Debby off the coast of Florida, we’ve been getting some consistent rain here. Most of it is light, the winds aren’t intense where I am and the sky stays a soupy, grey color no matter what day of the week it is. I find it fascinating, the differences between my new home and my old one. I had never seen clouds fly so fast or so low before.

I watched the light drizzle misting the backyard the other day and got the strong urge to put on some Samsaraby Guerlain. It felt like an appropriate departure. Something dry and spicy and woodsy to take away the damp. My husband informed me later that day that we should be expecting weather like this for the rest of the week.

Maybe I’m a little strange (I seem to say that a lot, don’t I?), but I actually like the rain. Not thunderstorms and lightning, but a light drizzle that just mists everything. It reminds me of highrise apartments, a old place with a lot of character and a perfectly good window that you can sit beside and take in the smell and feel of light rain. That kind of mood calls for a bit of Un Lys by Serge Lutens like a little delicate floral would belong in a little delicate rain and fragrance the water.

Finally, today, sitting unscented in front of the computer with the rain dripping off the roof and onto the grass. I had a strange hankering for Chypre de Coty. I have yet to procure a vintage bottle and still only have a very small, but very precious sample of its vintage formulation. I took a sniff, did not wear any, and was reminded of the moment that I wrote that first Chypre de Coty review and distinctly remember that it was raining back then too. Odd how moments and moods bring out the scents.

What about you? What fragrances do you get the urge to wear or experience on rainy days?

4 thoughts on “Perfumes For a Rainy Day

  1. I love rain! Especially since we had a couple of years of drought. It never rains in Northern California in summer so I do not have any special summer rain perfumes. But I could imagine wearing Vetiver Tonka (Hermes), Coco or Coromandel (Chanel) or Sweet Milk (Jo Malone).

    • I am dying to try Vetiver Tonka, and Sweet Milk sounds awesome! I find that Coco’s great on a cooler day and associate it with snow and rain too. I loved wearing it on especially cold days up in Canada. The spices helped warm things up a bit.

  2. There’s no shortage of rain in Ireland (where I live), and Fahrenheit by Dior is the one for such days.

    There’s something in the leather and the floral notes, that just goes well with the humidity left after the rain, especially when it’s not too warm.

    • Hi, Andrea! Fahrenheit by Dior is a great pick! When I associate it with rain, I imagine wide green hills and horseback riding. 🙂

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